Sunday, February 3, 2013

memories of u still brings tears in my eyes..... part4

Everything seemed to an end to priya she has noticed the sadness in manav voice while she was talking to him but nothing was in her hands anymore....and she thought that its all  pre-written in destiny............and she has to move on....
manav was very sad about the whole thing that happened......he never wanted things to end like this, he has a deep faith in god..and still ..he believes that things are going to turn around the way he wants  .....
 after 2 days due to some reason priya engagement got break and manav was soo happy to know about it ......this reminds me of.... Paulo coelho ..lines...and this is very true in there case .......
priya was little sad about the things....but manav was there every time to make her happy...."don't worry priya i am there please wait for 6 months my exams get finished and i get a job then i will marry you."....priya started laughing  u are saying all these to make me happy priya i  am serious....manav u already know what's  going in my life and i can't wait  6 months  for u......but priya atleast we can try and see what's there in our destiny.....future is unseen priya live in present and enjoy it .......hmm u are right manav i keep on worrying about ...let the things flow on their own....hmm that's like a good girl now smile .....
everyday manav used to call her but one day when  she didn't got a call on the usual time she messaged him but no reply.. she got worried then she called him but manav didn't picked up the phone........after 1 hours manav called her .....what happened are u alright manav ?  priya ..i had a severe pain last night and got diagnosed with kidney stones and when u called i was getting my x-ray done... 2 stones were detected.of small size.. "oh my god,  how are u now ?.......better than yesterday.......i have taken medicine but pain is still there .......hmm u did your dinner manav i haven't  not feeling hungry .... but eat something light then ,  drink a lot water ....and don't worry everything will be fine not a big problem..did u informed at your home manav?  no i haven't they will unnecessary  get worried that's why......hmm ohk but do tell them .. .ohk i will tell them after sometime priya... hmm ohk now u take proper rest and take care of yourself ...ohk  bye...ya bye priya.....
after some days  manav asked priya so madam when are u going to meet me ......"kab ki appoinment milege madam".....oh manav first u get well .."app se mil kar toh hum appne app hi theek ho jayege ".....priya started laughing ......hmmm tell me are you going some where so that we can meet .....hmm ya going for my friends marriage to delhi ...after one month  hmm thats good then lets meet at delhi i will come there ........i am so damn excited to meet u priya.....
next day priya was very busy at clinic she came back home very tiered she was relaxing suddenly her phone ranged ....oh its anuradha call one of her good friend she was in the same college in which manav told her that he was studying...... hey hi how are you long time no news .....yar just busy ...with work ..hows you ..i  am good .....they started gossiping .....never ending gossips suddenly priya asked hey anu u might be knowing manav na ....  manav kaun priya ....manav gupta in dermatology department pg 3 yr... i don't think priya there is any manav here  ...."what priya was surprised.....are you sure anu "? no i am not pretty sure but will confirm you by tomorrow.....what happened priya but why are you asking ? nothing please  confirm it ....ohk will tell u tomorrow ohk thanks bye .....
next day priya was eagerly waiting for anu call.......

P.S  wait for the next blog to know their story...

1 comment:

  1. ???
    love story turning out to be a thriller???
    nice narration..keep it up :)
